Hayley B.

Remember Wanda and Hayley as Hayley undergoes treatment for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.  She has had flu-like symptoms with headaches, cramping, and pain for several days.  If test results come back negative, she can stop the medication, but the doctor wanted to start it as a precaution due to the seriousness if the test is positive.  Pray it is just a vrus and for negative test results (and a quick recovery).

Doug Atwood

Toni Shaw (Trinity OFWB Church) asks that we remember her father, Doug Atwood, in prayer as he has undergone back surgery at WakeMed and faces several more days in the hospital followed by a week or so of therapy.  She says all went well and the doctors are pleased with what they were able to accomplish.  He is the brother-in-law of Ann Markham, Inez West, and Penny Barbour, and the uncle of Sandra, Connie, and myself.

Rev. Donald Coates

The Rev. Donald Coates, moderator of the Western Conference and pastor of Pine Level OFWB Church, was diagnosed with Melanoma this past week.  He has multiple tumors, in his lungs, lymph nodes, and one in each eye. He will begin laser treatment on his eyes this week and see an oncologist very soon regarding treatment.  He requests the prayers of all.  Cards may be sent to: The Rev. Donald Coates, 4284 Swift Creek Road, Smithfield, NC  27577.

School to be named

If you are interested in having the new elementary school being built beside Stan Jones’ house named for the community of Powhatan, you can contact Bd. member Donna White — 733-0440 to voice your vote (or any other board member). The original building on the church land was Powhatan School in the late 1800s/early 1900s.